Legislación Informática de República Unida de Tanzania

Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.

Copyright and neighbouring rights Act, nº 7 of 1999 (14 april 1999) (Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania nº 23, vol 80, dated 4th June, 1999).

Copyright (Licensing of Public Perfomances and Broadcasting) Regulations, 2003 (march, 2003).

Data Protection Bill 2013.

Electronic Transactions Act, 2015, February, 2nd. (The United Republic of Tanzania. Bill Supplement nº 6 20th February, 2015, to the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania nº 8 Vol. 96 dated 20th February, 2015).

Cybercrime Act, 2015, February, 2nd. (The United Republic of Tanzania. Bill Supplement nº 4 20th February, 2015, to the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania nº 8 Vol.96 dated 20th February, 2015).

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), 2022 13th June, 2023 

Personal Data Protection Regulations (PDPA), 2023 

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