Legislación Informática de la República Árabe Siria

Legislative Decree 148/1949, June 22, 1949. Criminal Code

Constitución de 13 de marzo 1973

Digital Signature 2009

Law 18/2010, June 9, 2010,Telecomunication Law

Legislative Decree 108/2011, August 28, 2011. Media Law

Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, February 27, 2012

Cyber Crime Law 2012

Legislative Decree 62/2013, September 16, 2013. Copyright Law

Law 3/2014, March 4, 2014. Electronic Commerce Law

Law 14/2015, June 25, 2015. Consumer Protection Law

Legislative Decree 34/2014, August 11, 2014. Syrian Electronic School Law

Legislative Decre 31/2016, , October 1, 2016. Telecommunications Law

Legislative Decree 17/2017. Telecommunication Payments Exemption Law

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