Legislación Informática de República de Croacia

Archives and Archival Institutions Act 1997.

Ustav RH, clanak 37 (Narodne novine br. 41/01). The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia. Article 37 (Official Gazette, Nº 41/2001). Adopted in Dec. 1990. Amendment on 2 april 2001. Document Status may. 2004.

Act on the Right of Access to Information 2003.

Zakon o zaštiti osobnih podataka (Narodne novine 103/03). The Act on Personal Data Protection, 12 June 2003.(Official Gazette, Nº 103/2003).

Zakon o autorskom pravu i srodnim Pravia nº 2399; (Narodne Novine, 167/2003).

Copyright and related Rights Act 2003 (O.G. 167/2003).

Uredba o nacinu vodenja i obrascu evidencije o zbirkama osobnih podataka (Narodne novine br. 105/04) . The Regulation on the method of maintaining records on personal data filing system and the form of such records (Official Gazette, Nº 105/2004).

Uredba o nacinu pohranjivanja i posebnim mjerama tehnicke zaštite posebnih kategorija osobnih podataka (Narodne novine br. 139/04). The Regulation on the manner of storing and special measures of technical protection the special categories of personal data (Official Gazette, Nº 139/2004).

Hrvatski sabor donio je na sjednici 14. travnja 2005. godine Zakon o potvrdivanju Konvencije za zaštitu osoba glede automatizirane obrade osobnih podataka i Dodatnog protokola uz Konvenciju za zaštitu osoba glede automatizirane obrade osobnih podataka u vezi nadzornih tijela i medunarodne razmjene podataka (Narodne novine br. 04/05). The Croatian Parliament has ratified the Convention 108 on the 14th of April 2005 (Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to automatic Processing of Personal Data regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows) (Official Gazette, Nº 4/2005).

Zakon o dopunama Zakona o zaštiti osobnih podataka (Narodne novine 118/06). The Amendments to the Act on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette, Nº 118/2006).

The Data Secrecy Act, July 13, 2007. (Official Gazette 79/2007).

Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima nº 3015; (Narodne Novine, 141/2013)

Zakon o provedbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka NN 42/18, na snazi od 25.05.2018. The Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation was enacted in the Croatian Parliament on April 27, 2018 and came into force on May 25, 2018

The Act on Healthcare Data and Information, which came into force on 15 February 2019

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